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THE ZEN Vol.60
Vol.60 Special Commemoration Issue Published 2013.4
Super Talk
The importance of open-minded discussions based on the academic traditions of freedom
■ Our guest this issue
President of Kyoto University, Professor Hiroshi Matsumoto
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
View Contents
2 Super Talk The importance of open-minded discussions based on the academic traditions of freedom ■ Our guest this issue
President of Kyoto University, Professor Hiroshi Matsumoto
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
11 Counting 60 issues, Past events
ZEN 12 Celebrating the 60th publication
Continuing to illuminate corners Chief Priest at Kyoto Darumaji Temple, Leader Taisuke Sano
PROGRESS 13 The forefront of advanced technology (27)
The Tokyo Sky Tree is the fruits of engineering Professor Masanori Moritani
14 Koyasan University Fujikin Shuhei Ogawa Memorial Lecture
Starting a discussion about the relationship between religion and science
VIRTUE 15 Dharma Plaza/Readers' Page
FOOD 16 A taste of Zen (55) A taste of Zen
Kumamoto, Fukunoya Professor Mari Fujii
THE ZEN Vol.59
Vol.59 Fujikin Carp Group 80 years + 1 Gratitude Special Issue Published 2012.4
Super Talk
Ascertaining the essence of everything through studying, going out into the world
■ Our guest this issue
President of Osaka University, Professor Toshio Hirano
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
View Contents
2 Super Talk Ascertaining the essence of everything through studying, going out into the world ■ Our guest this issue
President of Osaka University, Professor Toshio Hirano
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
6 Japan International Prize
From the discovery of interleukin 6, to using it to treat illness
8 Special reader contribution
Artificial synthetic diamonds Professor Yoshimi Yamane
FORWARD 9 Super unique management Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
ZEN 10 Shingetsuin Temple is opened Chief Priest of Shingetsuin Temple, Leader Seiryu Kojima
VIRTUE 11 Dharma Plaza/Readers' Page
FOOD 12 A taste of Zen (54)
Chiba "Sun Garden/Vegetable Garden" Professor Mari Fujii
THE ZEN Vol.58
Vol.58 Fujikin 80 years Gratitude Special Published Issue 2011.4
Super Talk
Accomplising the world's first great enterprise, the conception of Hayabusa
■ Our guest this issue
"Hayabusa" Project Manager, Jun'ichiro Kawaguchi
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
View Contents
2 Super Talk Accomplising the world's first great enterprise, the conception of Hayabusa ■ Our guest this issue
"Hayabusa" Project Manager, Jun'ichiro Kawaguchi
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
6 Japan wins with the manufacturing of quality + heart Dr. Tadashi Sasaki
ZEN 7 Yamabushi practices are a clear day Chief of Kinpusen-ji Temple, Riten Tanaka
PROGRESS 8 Special reader contribution "Haiku recital, Islam" Tatsuaki Kitabata
FORWARD 9 Super unique management Choya Umeshu Co., Ltd.
10 Dharma Sermon
"In the center of the heart" Chief Priest of Tokoku-ji Temple
VIRTUE 11 Dharma Plaza/Readers' Page
FOOD 12 A taste of Zen (53)
Bhuddist cuisine of an unknown Kamakura retreat Mari Fujii
THE ZEN Vol.57
Vol.57 Fujikin 80 years Gratitude Special Issue Published 2010.7
Super Talk
Buddhism's principle ideology is the philosophy of life
■ Our guest this issue
Chief Abbot at Kiyomizu-dera, Leader Seihan Mori
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
View Contents
2 Super Talk Buddhism's principle ideology is the philosophy of life ■ Our guest this issue
Chief Abbot at Kiyomizu-dera, Leader Seihan Mori
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
9 Kansai Electric Power, Mihama Nuclear Power Plant
NATURE 11 Shanghai Expo and Osaka Pavilion Shanghai World Expo Osaka Pavillion Producer, Shinya Hashizume
12 Industry and university cooperation activities at the Osaka Fukoku Seimei Building Emeritus Professor at Osaka University, Akio Kobayashi
ZEN 14 Zazen and the intracranial substance serotonin Professor at Toho University, Faculty of Medicine, Hideo Arita
VIRTUE 15 Dharma Plaza/Readers' Page
FOOD 16 A taste of Zen (52)
Buddhist cuisine restaurant in Kumamoto, Tsune Mari Fujii
THE ZEN Vol.56
Vol.56 New Spring Issue Published 2010.1
Super Talk
Japan is my favorite country
I want to strengthen a closer relationship
■ Our guest this issue
Representative of Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office, Feng Jitai
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
View Contents
2 Super Talk Japan is my favorite country
I want to strengthen a closer relationship ■ Our guest this issue
Representative of Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office, Feng Jitai
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
NATURE 6 "Human movement, Nanbo!" President of Shimada Hospital, Hisato Shimada
7 Details for the "China 2010 Shanghai Expo"
COMPLETE 8 Super unique management
Suntory's environment greening project;
FORWARD 9 Cherish the basics Representative of the Ability Development Association, Yoshihiro Ando
ZEN 10 Dharma Sermon
"With kind words, it is a warm winter" Chief Priest at Osaka Hozen-ji Temple, Shinko Kanda
VIRTUE 11 Dharma Plaza/Readers' Page
FOOD 12 A taste of Zen (51)
Buddhist cuisine of Utsunomiya, Keifuu Mari Fujii
THE ZEN Vol.55
Vol.55 Snow Mountain Issue Published 2008.12
Super Talk
Investing in education as a top priority
Realizing a nation of science and technology
■ Our guest this issue
Vice-Minister of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Masami Zeniya
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
View Contents
Super Talk Investing in education as a top priority
Realizing a nation of science and technology ■ Our guest this issue
Vice-Minister of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Masami Zeniya
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
NATURE 6 Global Environment Day as a holiday Izumi Hamamoto
PROGRESS 7 The forefront of advanced technology (26)
Anticipation for the airliner MRJ Masanori Moritani
COMPLETE 8 Super unique management
Asahi Beer's CSR initiatives
ZEN 10 Dharma Sermon
Misplacing Japan's heart Rintei-ji Temple
VIRTUE 11 Dharma Plaza/Readers' Page
FOOD 12 A taste of Zen (50)
Buddhist cuisine of Niigata, Chofuan Mari Fujii
THE ZEN Vol.54
Vol.54 Summer Mountain Issue Published 2008.6
Super Talk
Deciding to advance our country's telecommunications field, creating a grand design
■ Our guest this issue
Chief Director of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Hideo Miyahara
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
View Contents
2 Super Talk Deciding to advance our country's telecommunications field, creating a grand design ■ Our guest this issue
Chief Director of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Hideo Miyahara
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
COMPLETE 7 Super unique management
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Matsushita group's "eco ideas" strategy
NATURE 9 Dealing with the environmental issues of Osaka Gas Izumi Hamamoto
ZEN 10 Dharma Sermon
The heart of the hidden Kegon sect at the national treasure Zuiryuji Temple Chief Priest at Zuiryuji Temple, Dosho Yotsuya
VIRTUE 11 Dharma Plaza/Readers' Page
FOOD 12 A taste of Zen (49)
Buddhist cuisine of Takayama, Kakusho Mari Fujii
THE ZEN Vol.53
Vol.53 Snow Mountain Issue Published 2007.12 (English version available)
Super Talk
Santa Clara, the ideal city in America that is safe and easy to live in
■ Our guest this issue
Mayor of Santa Clara, Patricia Mahan
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
View Contents
2 Super Talk Santa Clara, the ideal city in America that is safe and easy to live in ■ Our guest this issue
Mayor of Santa Clara, Patricia Mahan
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
PROGRESS 7 The forefront of advanced technology (25)
Speeding up the implementation of house use fuel cells Vice President of LCA Postgraduate University, Masanori Moritani
FORWARD 8 Dealing with the environmental issues of Kansai Electric Power Group Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. Environmental Chamber
ZEN 10 Dharma Sermon
"Window of enlightenment" and "window of unenlightenment" Chief Priest at Genko-an Temple, Ryuyu Takamine
VIRTUE 11 Dharma Plaza/Readers' Page
FOOD 12 A taste of Zen (48)
"Syunrakuzen of shindofuji (you are what you eat)" Mari Fujii
THE ZEN Vol.52
Vol.52 Summer Mountain Issue Published 2007.7
An apology to all our readers

In the super talk of the previous issue (Vol. 52), we welcomed our guest, former vice-minister for the Ministry of Defense, Takemasa Moriya; however, the mass media has reported on deepened distrust in regards with collusion between the Ministry of Defense and trading companies in the congress summons. The political world was shaken.
We are very sorry, but our purpose was to introduce the the role of the Ministry of Defense and its members, who, in earnest, strive to protect the safety of citizens and the international community. There were no ulterior motive in the recording of April 27th, 2007.
We humbly apologize for the discomfort given to all readers. We bow and ask for forgiveness.

Yours Sincerely

December 8th, 2007
THE ZEN® Editorial Board
Fujikin Soft Co., Ltd.

Super Talk
Dealing with diverse dangers
Cooperating for the peace and stability of the world
■ Our guest this issue
Vice Minister of the Ministry of Defense, Takemasa Moriya
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
View Contents
2 Super Talk Dealing with diverse dangers
Cooperating for the peace and stability of the world ■ Our guest this issue
Vice Minister of the Ministry of Defense, Takemasa Moriya
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
FORWARD 7 Aiming for success at The 11th World Championships in Athletics, Osaka Secretary General, Hiromasa Itsumi
COMPLETE 8 Super unique management  Hakutsuru Sake Brewing Co., Ltd., Giving a heart of familiarity over time
PROGRESS 9 The forefront of advanced technology (24)
Competing with technological development of environmentally friendly bioethanol Masanori Moritani
ZEN 10 A light for the poor (last writing) Daiki Sano
VIRTUE 11 Dharma Plaza/Readers' Page
FOOD 12 A taste of Zen (47)
Tsuribashi Manor "early summer cuisine" Mari Fujii
THE ZEN Vol.51
Vol.51 Snow Mountain Issue Published 2006.12 (English version available)
Super Talk
Vietnam, heading towards an industrialized nation, the closest partner in Asia.
■ Our guest this issue
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Japan, Chu Tuan Cap
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
View Contents
2 Super Talk Vietnam, heading towards an industrialized nation, the closest partner in Asia. ■ Our guest this issue
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Japan, Chu Tuan Cap
■ Interviewer
Chairman Fujikin Incorporated, Hiroshi Ogawa
COMPLETE 8 Super unique management Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd.
NATURE 9 Takamatsu tomb and Kansai University, and Asuka Professor at Kansai University, Faculty of Arts, Takahiro Takahashi
ZEN 10 As expected, young women are the best! Elder at Osaka Tennoji Isshinji, Yasuyuki Takaguchi
VIRTUE 11 Dharma Plaza/Readers' Page
FOOD 12 A taste of Zen (46)
Kumamoto, "Rashomon's healthy meals" Mari Fujii